Eemu Windmill

Kopēt saiti

Eemu tuulik

4.2 (90 atsauksmes)
Linnuse, 94727 Saare County, Estonia

Tūrisma objekts

Pirmdiena, Otrdiena: slēgts
Trešdiena, Ceturtdiena, Piektdiena, Sestdiena, Svētdiena: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
The windmill was opened to visitors on May 17th, 1980. The predecessor of a windmill is a quern, which was first turned manually, then with water power, and then with wind. The small farm windmills of western Estonia and the islands are rather unique examples of rural architecture; similar features can be noted in Scandinavia and western Finland. Good to know: Although the windmills have lost their economic importance, the Eemu trestle windmill has remained the acknowledged symbol of Muhu, enriching the landscape and bearing witness to the tough work done by our ancestors. Wikipedia