Poolamäe (Polish Hill) Park
This is a place where a roman catholic cemetery was established in the early 19th century. As many of the local Catholics were Polish, people started calling this place the Poland Hill. In-between Poolamägi and the rest of the cemetery, where the present‑day tennis‑courts are located, Härjapea River used to flow. The cemetery, which has partially been neglected already in the 1930‑ies, was brutally destroyed and liquidated in the early 1950‑ies, the remains of the last chapels were demolished soon afterwards. The hill itself used to be higher, but the [...]Poolamäe (Polish Hill) Park
This is a place where a roman catholic cemetery was established in the early 19th century. As many of the local Catholics were Polish, people started calling this place the Poland Hill. In-between Poolamägi and the rest of the cemetery, where the present‑day tennis‑courts are located, Härjapea River used to flow. The cemetery, which has partially been neglected already in the 1930‑ies, was brutally destroyed and liquidated in the early 1950‑ies, the remains of the last chapels were demolished soon afterwards. The hill itself used to be higher, but the slope of Poolamägi was used for gravel mining, thus in the course of time the hill got partially displaced. There were 11 species of ligneous plants growing in the park in autumn 2007.
Viimati muudetud 23.06.2022
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