Irbene radio telescope

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Irbene radio telescope

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Irbenes radioteleskops

4.6 (451 Отзывы)
Irbene, Ance parish, LV-3601, Latvia

Туристическая достопримечательность, музей

Понедельник, Вторник, Среда, Четверг, Пятница: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
Суббота, Воскресенье: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm
Tourist services – excursions in the Irbene complex
Activities includes in the excursion:
A walk around radio telescope RT-32 in the territory of Irbene
RT – 8 tower viewing and expositions about RT – 32 and RT – 16 during the USSR
Viewing the “old” RT – 16 antenna next to RT – 8
Walk through an underground tunnel Wikipedia